To submit a complaint or application please contact us by means of this form:


    Instructions for submitting a complaint/application
  1. To submit a complaint or application the following form must be completed;
  2. First and Last Name field - it is obligatory to provide these data, anonymous complaints shall not be processed;
  3. E-mail address field - it is obligatory to give your email address, since the reply - the Company's opinion - will be sent to the given address;
  4. File field - is used for submitting attachments e.g. photos, tickets, etc. One file may be attached to each application or complaint. It is not obligatory to attach documents. In order to attach a file one clicks the "view" field and on the computer screen an edit window appears, in which a document to be attached shall be indicated.
    Permissible extensions: jpg, png, tif, bmp, gif; max.size is 2MB;;
  5. Contents field - is used for entering a complaint or application;
  6. The data will be recorded in the database only when the button "send" has been selected (it is in the lower, middle part of the screen);
  7. PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. undertakes to get acquainted with each form and deal with the matter subject to its competence within 30 days as of the complaint or application submission;